Okayama University


Animal Breeding and Genetics


The aim of animal breeding and genetics is to investigate invisible genetic events using statistical and molecular genetics analysis. Then we can understand the genetic structure of a population and the genetic features of an animal, which is useful for designing an optimum breeding program. In particular, we are interested in genetic evaluation using genomic information and the genetic diversity in the animal population. Through our research activity, young scientists are encouraged to acquire the necessary knowledge and techniques to pursue scientific careers in quantitative genetics in the post-genome era.

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. IBI Takayuki
  • E-mail: ibi-t [at] okayama-u.ac.jp
  • Animal Breeding

Directory of Researchers  School of Agriculture


Genetic evaluation using genomic information
Hundreds of thousands of SNPs, which are DNA marker information, are now available for each individual. The use of genomic breeding value, which is estimated using SNPs information, is expected to provide more accurate and earlier evaluation of genetic performance than conventional breeding value. This laboratory will conduct research on the application of genomic breeding values to Wagyu improvement.


  • Asst. Prof. KATSUMATA Sachi
  • E-mail:s.katsumata [at] okayama-u.ac.jp
  • Animal Nutrition and Physiology


Directory of Researchers