Okayama University


Animal Applied Microbiology


It has become clear that gut microbiota (microflora) changes depending on the food components ingested by humans and their lifestyle, and that differences and changes in the microflora affect human health and disease. Morita group analyzes the gut microbiota of humans and animals, and tries elucidating the functions of the microbiota.
In Arakawa group, roles and application of beneficial microorganisms, mainly lactic acid bacteria, for processing and preservation of milk and egg products are researched. In particular, it is aimed to create novel safe and high quality milk and egg products using functional substances from and fermentation techniques with lactic acid bacteria.
In addition, both groups also carry out whole-genome analysis of intestinal bacteria, bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria radically to understand them.

  • Assoc. Prof. ARAKAWA Kensuke
  • E-mail: karakawa [at] okayama-u.ac.jp
  • milk and egg science, lactic acid bacteria, food microbiology


Directory of Researchers 


One year-ripened Jersey cheeses made with an independently developed starter containing antifungal lactic acid bacteria (left), and a commercial starter.

Milk is widely and regularly taken in due to the richness in nutrients and the excellence in processing and functions, but be very perishable. Therefore, the main issue in dairy industry is to secure the preservability and the safety of dairy products. In our laboratory, we try inhibiting foodborne pathogens and food-spoilage microorganisms in dairy products using antimicrobial substances produced by lactic acid bacteria as a natural-source preservative, namely “biopreservative”. Furthermore, fermentation and ripening control of mainly cheese is carried out using antimicrobials from lactic acid bacteria.