修学支援 Financial Aid

修学支援 Financial Aid


募集内容等、詳細については、岡山大学ホームページの 奨学金 民間・地方公共団体の奨学金 で最新情報を確認してください。



◆ 大本育英会給付奨学金





◆ 大学院博士後期課程遠隔地社会人学生支援奨学金
Distance Learning Scholarship for Working Students of Graduate School Doctor’s Course

This scholarship is for working students who do not receive any financial support from their companies, etc. for their study, and those who have a distance of 50 km or more to Okayama University from either their place of work or home, where the distance to Okayama University is shorter(hereinafter referred to as “the commuting place”), and also those who will enroll (or advance to) the University in April with excellent grades.
The amount of the scholarship is 120,000 Japanese yen to 240,000 yen per year, depending on the distance from the commuting place to the University.
The period of payment is within the standard period of study (3 years). Payment will be suspended during the period of leave of absence from the University.
If the number of eligible applicants is reached in the first application period, the application will not be accepted in the second application period.

第2条 遠隔地支援奨学金の支給対象者(以下「支給対象者」という。)は、次のいずれにも該当する者とする。
 一 勤務地又は自宅のうち岡山大学(以下「本学」という。)までの距離が短い場所(以下「通学地」という。)から本学までの距離が50キロメートル以上ある者
 二 所属企業等から修学に必要な経費の支援を受けない者
 三 4月に博士後期課程へ入学する者
Article 2 The recipients of the Distance Learning Scholarship for Working Students of Graduate School Doctor’s Course (hereinafter referred to as “recipients”) shall be working students who fall under all of the following.
 1. Those who have a distance of 50 km or more to Okayama University (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) from either their place of work or home, where the distance to the University is shorter(hereinafter   referred to as “the commuting place”)
 2. Those who do not receive any financial support from their companies, etc. for their study
 3. Those who will enroll the University in April with excellent grades.


◆ 大学院博士後期課程入学支援事業【岡山大学Alumni(全学同窓会)主催】
Graduate School Doctor’s Course Admission Support Program Hosted by Okayama University Alumni Association

This is a program that the Okayama University Alumni Association (OUAA) will donate a part of enrollment fee to the master course graduates who wish to enroll in the Doctor’s course.
*The amount of the scholarship will be 150,000.-(tentative)
*The candidate will be selected soon after the admission.
*You are not eligible if you have not paid the alumni fee yet.